7th Class Social Studies 21st Lesson Question Answers

Telangana SCERT 7th class social studies 21st lesson (Devotional Paths to the Divine) question answers according to your textbook syllabus.

Advaita, taught by Shankara, teaches that we are all connected to the Supreme God, Brahman, which is the Ultimate Reality. It suggests giving up wanting lots of things and learning about Brahman to find peace and be saved.

Salvation is about finding inner peace and freedom from suffering through spiritual or philosophical methods. It means achieving a state of harmony and contentment, free from negative experiences or consequences.

Twelve main devotees of Vishnu were called the Alvars – the most important among them being Periyalvar and Nammalvar. Andal, the daughter of Periyalvar, is the only woman among them.

There were 63 Nayanars and they were devotees of Shiva. they came from different castes, including Kannappa, a hunter, and Nandanar, a Pulaiya, or an outcaste.

Bhakti means having deep love and devotion towards a deity or a spiritual figure. It involves expressing this love through prayers, rituals, and acts of service.

Yogasanas are physical postures or exercises practiced in yoga to improve flexibility, strength, and overall well-being.

“Bijak” is a book of Kabir’s teachings, composed of verses he wrote. These verses were sung by wandering singers and later collected in holy texts like the Guru Granth Sahib.

“Abhang” is a type of devotional poetry sung to praise the Hindu God Vithala.

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