8th Class Social Studies 22nd Lesson Question Answers

Telangana SCERT 8th class social studies 22nd lesson (Film and Print media) question answers according to your textbook syllabus.

A projector is a machine that shows pictures and videos on a wall or screen. It uses light and special lenses to make the images big and clear. People use projectors in schools, theaters, and homes for showing movies and slideshows

Commentary is when someone talks or writes to explain things. It’s like sharing thoughts or opinions about something. You might hear it during sports games or read it in books.

To compose means to create or make something, like music, a story, or a picture. It’s like putting together different parts to make a whole. For example, you can compose a song by writing lyrics and making melodies.

It is an official press release which publishes the news of the government.

publish means to make something available for others to read, see, or use. It’s like sharing your work, such as a book or article, with the public.

Sati was an ancient custom in India where a widow would choose to die by burning herself on her husband’s funeral fire. It was seen as a sign of devotion and loyalty, although many people today consider it harmful and wrong. The practice is now banned by law in India.

Juveniles are kids or teenagers who are not yet grown-ups. They’re young people, usually under 18 years old. Juveniles might have different rules and ways they’re treated because they’re still young.

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